Pecan Nut Trees: full cycle control test results
Pecan Nut Tree nursery using ExploGrow biofertiliser

Pictured: Pecan nut trees planted September 2016 and January 2017 (photos taken Sept 2017)
"My trees with ExploGrow, after just 1 year, are just as high as two-year-old trees without ExploGrow."John Pozyn, Pekannootboomboer sedert 2003
First Pecan Nuts full cycle control test results in South Africa, 29 July 2015

With N-P-K- application reduced to 50% of recommended quantities, the use of ExploGrow™ is essentially cost neutral.
Mr. Pozyn experienced, by the use of ExploGrow™, an overall net gain of around R37,000 per hectare.
“As a farmer, I'm sick of gimmicks promising the world! What we need is a new concept with control test evidence and research to back it up. In my view, ExploGrow™ is a game changer.”John Pozyn, Pekannootboomboer sedert 2003
Improvement in yield:
ExploGrow™ treated trees produced an estimated 5kg to 8kg extra per tree, compared with the untreated trees.
This increase equates to around 25% improvement in yield.
Improved quality grading:
The size of the Pecan Nuts is also dramatically better. This places the product in the top category, resulting in the farmer being paid R11.50 more per kg, equal to a financial gain to the farmer per tree of around R290, adding up to R29,000 per hectare.
This increase equates to a 50% improvement in sale price.
Improved growth rate:
After 11 months(trees planted 15 August 2014), the ExploGrow™ treated trees already appear to be one year ahead in its growth cycle compared to the control.
The significance for farmers would be to achieve the 1 ton per hectare at least one year faster than the normal 5 years.
The significance for nurseries is that they would be able to sell trees on to farmers after 3 years instead of 4.
By implication, a nursery producing 100,000 trees is likely to bank approximately R17,500,000 one year faster when using ExploGrow™.
The increased yield and price equates to a total increase of 75% value per hectare.
This result is without taking into account the faster growth rate.

Picture: Pecan Nut tree stem size compared after one application of ExploGrow in December 2014
The stem diameter of treated Pecan trees averages 1cm. Untreated Pecan trees stem diameter averages 0.6cm.
Damage control observations by Mr Pozyn:

“I [also] treated Pecan Nut Trees infected by Alternaria with ExploGrow™. At this stage my trees look like they are winning the battle. The dieback has stopped and new leaves are forming. I can’t say that ExploGrow™ has 100% cured my trees, just that for now, we are on the right track” John Pozyn, Pekannootboomboer sedert 2003