Ludwig's Roses recommended microbial bio-organic fertiliser blend for gardens FAQ with application guidelines

Image: Ludwig’s Roses 50th anniversary special addition 100 ml ExploGrow™ (enough to delight 50 plants!)
General Application Guidelines of ExploGrow™ on Roses
NOTE: should the timing of the post-emergent application of ExploGrow™ coincide with any other chemical application it is recommended that ExploGrow™ is applied at least three days after the chemical intervention. The same practice should be followed in the case of inorganic fertilisers.
ExploGrow™ is an extraordinarily complex, poly-microbial blend of beneficial soil microbes. As such, it can:
ExploGrow™ benefits the rose plant at every stage of its growth cycle.
ExploGrow™ can be applied to the (a) root zone, (b) foliage and (c) wounds of recently pruned branches.
ExploGrow™ improves the availability and uptake of nutrients into plants, we therefore recommend that fertiliser input is reduced by 10-20%.

How to use ExploGrow™ on Roses
A. Root Zone Application for Rose Gardens
Add 10ml ExploGrow™ per litre of water. Apply 100-200ml of this solution to the root zone of the plant.
For application on larger plants one can add more of this solution to ensure the root zone is adequately covered.
- The first root application can be done immediately after planting.
This will assist with transplant shock and help the newly planted rose establish itself in its new environment. - There is benefit in adding ExploGrow™ more frequently than advised here.
Monthly applications throughout the growing season will be beneficial. - If for any reason the first application (in August) is missed then one can move it to September.
B. Spray Application:
Add 3ml of ExploGrow™ per litre of water. Spray this solution directly on the foliage ensuring that both the top and bottom of the leaves get wet.
Post pruning:
After pruning, add 20ml of ExploGrow™ to 1litre of water and spray on the stems and cuts of the recently pruned branches (i.e. the wounds).

Ludwig's Roses and Garden Growers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is ExploGrow?
ExploGrow™ is a powerful poly-microbial blend of 17 beneficial soil microbes in a concentrated liquid that performs advantageous soil functions through improving soil health and plant growth.
ExploGrow™ is a certified organic product, fully approved by:
South Africa: Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
Why use ExploGrow on your roses and in your garden?
- Contains beneficial soil and plant microbes
- Improves seed germination and germination vigour
- Roots typically more than double in size
- Rehabilitates the soil
- Optimises the use of chemical fertiliser and optimise the use of plant nutrients
- Reduces watering requirements (benefits plant health in drought conditions)
- Achieves much larger crop yields in food production
- Improves crop quality, including raises sugar (Brix) content
- Enables sustainable, healthy and safe gardening practices
- Effective for certified organic farming according to EC 834/2007 and NOP regulation
How do the microbes in ExploGrow™ improve plant growth?
ExploGrow™ microbes improve plant growth by improving soil structure, pH and health through solubilizing essential nutrients (e.g. phosphate and iron) necessary for healthy plant growth.
Microbes and the plants have a symbiotic relationship through exchanging nutrients, hormones and natural antibodies for plant sugars. Microbes have the ability to bioremediate toxic compounds and heavy metals built up in the soil; and improve soil cation exchange capacity that further reduces leaching and eutrophication.
Can we apply ExploGrow™ in combination with chemical garden fertilizer?
Yes, you can apply ExploGrow™ biofertilizer with chemical garden fertilizers.
In general, for rose gardens we recommend a 10-30% reduction in chemical fertilizer when ExploGrow™ is used at an optimal level.
Is ExploGrow™ a nutrient and/or does it contain any N-P-K?
N-P-K = 0-0-0, nevertheless, ExploGrow™ does optimise, convert, make available and hold nutrients in the soil.
Apart from the carbon carrier contained in ExploGrow™, it contains beneficial soil microbes that form symbiotic relationships with the plant. The plant will exert as much as 30% of its energy to the root zone to make food for microbes. The ExploGrow™ microbes not only protect the plant from stress, but also feed the plant by converting and holding nutrients in the soil.
Why do we recommend reducing the chemical input with the application of ExploGrow?
There is an abundance of nutrients (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus) in the atmosphere and soil that are in an inaccessible form to many plants. ExploGrow™ contains various species of microbes that can fix and/or solubilize many locked up nutrients and make them available for plants to use. Microbes that fix these and other nutrients will become less effective when chemical fertilizers are added. Chemical fertilizer can directly harm the microbes in the soil, that can further reduce the efficiency of ExploGrow™.
Can we still spray garden herbicides and pesticides in combination with ExploGrow?
Yes. ExploGrow™ can be applied in conjunction with garden herbicides and pesticides, however we recommend the mix be applied to crops immediately so the herbicides and pesticides do not limit the capabilities of the ExploGrow™ microbes.
However, we recommend that ExploGrow™ should be applied at least three days after the application of herbicides and pesticides, so as not to impact on the capabilities of ExploGrow™.
Can we still spray garden fungicides in combination with ExploGrow?
No. Garden fungicides are directly harmful to the beneficial microbes in ExploGrow™ and can result in the product becoming ineffective.
Can ExploGrow™ microbes live in extreme environments such as dry soils with little soil moisture?
Yes, however we recommend ExploGrow™ be applied with thorough irrigation to allow the microbes to penetrate below the dry topsoil layer. In most cases, the soil surface may look dry however the soil beneath the surface will increase in moisture with increasing depth.
Can using ExploGrow™ help improve the drought resistance of my garden plants?
Yes. ExploGrow™ contains various microbes including the Rhizobia and Azospirillum families, which have been reported to improve the stress tolerance in plants through facilitating the production of Trehalose, which is a natural plant sugar that protects plants from drought, temperature extremes and salt.
Does exposure to sunlight and UV rays harm ExploGrow™ microbes?
Yes. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and UV radiation can kill microbes, thus it is vital to store ExploGrow™ in an environment with limited sun exposure. We recommend that ExploGrow™ be applied through drip irrigation to allow the microbes to penetrate below the sun exposed topsoil layer more effectively. For center pivots and sprinkler irrigation systems we recommend applying ExploGrow™ at dusk so as to allow microbes to penetrate the soil column more effectively.
What is the ideal pH of the irrigation water when applying ExploGrow™ microbes?
Neutral to slightly acidic (pH of 6-7).
What time of the day is the best time to apply ExploGrow™ in your garden?
We recommend that ExploGrow™ be applied at dawn or dusk to allow the microbes to penetrate below the sun exposed topsoil layer.
Should ExploGrow™ be agitated before applications?
Yes. We recommend mixing ExploGrow™ thoroughly before and during applications.
Will ExploGrow™ clog, block or plug up any irrigation or sprayer equipment?
No, however, when microbial food (as sometimes recommended by ExploGrow™ depending on soil quality) is co-applied through irrigation, drippers, lines, etc. they should be flushed clean by running water through after application. We recommend thoroughly agitating ExploGrow™ before and during application; suspending all particles will prevent clogging, blocking or plugging up of equipment.
Is ExploGrow™ harmful to humans and animals?
ExploGrow™ is not harmful to humans, animals or the environment. See MSDS below.